NET™ Recovers LNAPL from complex subsurface
Reaching LNAPL Remedial End Points at the lowest lifecycle costs

FEBRUARY 2019, NEW MEXICO, USA: At a legacy gasoline spill in northwest New Mexico, light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) had migrated into a complex hydrogeological stratum composed of multiple water-bearing zones. Three different conventional remediation methods had failed to remediate the LNAPL plume that had accumulated at multiple depths in wells extending as deep as 150 feet below grade. Under a state funded program, the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau (PSTB) utilized a local contractor to retain EIC to determine optimal methods to recover the LNAPL. EIC successfully utilized its unique NET™ system to conduct recovery potential tests (RPT) and use the resulting empirical data to assess the NAPL recoverability and optimum recovery rates. Based on the results of the RPT, the NMED is currently evaluating the feasibility of utilizing the NET™ for long-term LNAPL recovery at this site. During the test, a 100% recovery efficiency was achieved at one well with a 7-foot LNAPL thickness.