LNAPL Remediation at Tennessee Superfund Site
NET demonstrated the highest LNAPL recovery efficiencies at the lowest lifecycle costs

SEPTEMBER 2024, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE: A national contractor retained EIC to evaluate the potential for recovering light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) hydrocarbons at a railyard facility in Tennessee. Although the railyard had used several traditional remedial technologies with limited success, site data indicated that LNAPL has remained persistent in the subsurface for decades EIC’s role was to determine whether mobile-phase LNAPL recharge in the subsurface supported long-term recovery or present at dismal rates to support a technical impracticability demonstration.
To meet the client’s objectives, EIC conducted recovery potential testing (RPT) in targeted LNAPL wells using its proprietary and trademarked innovative NAPL remediation system, the NET™ system. Based on the RPT results, EIC demonstrated that the NET™ efficiently recovered LNAPL, with LNAPL-to-total fluids recovery percentages in all the tested wells ranging from 83.3 % to 100 %. Notably, traditional technologies recover LNAPL at less than 3% efficiency. In contrast, EIC’s NET™ systems -used as a long-term remedial tool - would enable the railyard to recover LNAPL at greater efficiency and at the lowest lifecycle costs. Consequently, the railyard acquired a solar-power NET™ system mounted on a trailer for its long-term LNAPL remedial program. EIC anticipates this NET™-based remedial approach will reach LNAPL remedial endpoints in record time.