NET™ Recovers NAPL at MGP site
NET™ tool recovers NAPL at a Brownfield Redevelopment site in London

JANUARY 2019, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM: A local city council in London, UK acquired a contaminated industrial site for a major brownfield redevelopment site to meet the growing housing demands in the area. The site formerly used as a manufactured gas pant (MGP) also known as gasworks site was contaminated with both LNAPL and DNAPL products from historical releases. The NAPL and its constituents primarily lie within a highly permeable sandy gravel river terrace deposit that is sandwiched between a relatively impermeable upper silty clay unit and the lower London Clay formation. Although previous property owner’s attempted to remediate the groundwater with a conventional pump-and-treat system significant amounts both LNAPL and DNAPL remain persistent within the sandy gravel formation and portions of these plumes have migrated offsite. Prior to approvals for site redevelopment, the city council is required to meet certain LNAPL and DNAPL remedial goals established by the UK Environmental Agency.
A local environmental consulting firm retained EIC to evaluate the optimal NAPL recovery potentials using EICs unique remedial technology known as the non-aqueous phase extraction technique (NET™) System. EIC also assisted the consulting firm in designing unique DNAPL recovery wells.From recovery potential tests (RPT), EIC successfully demonstrated the NET™ system's effectiveness in recovering both LNAPL and DNAPL at a NAPL/total fluids efficiency greater than 99% from both NAPL recovery wells. The UK Environmental Agency also witnessed portions of the RPT. Based on the RPT report the site owner and the consultant developed a long-term NAPL remediation program using multiple NET™ System. The site owner then retained a local contractor to acquire multiple EIC's NET™ systems and implement long-term remediation of NAPL from multiple wells. EIC installed the NET™ systems and trained the local contractor on operating EIC's NET™ systems for long-term NAPL recovery. This approach ensured that the NAPL was aggressively remediated and enabled the site owner to reach remedial end points at a fraction of the lifecycle costs of conventional systems and within a reasonable timeframe.
NOTE: EIC is the original inventor of the NET™ systems. For all of your projects, insist on the original NET™ - manufactured, sold, and installed by EIC.